Παρασκευή 20 Νοεμβρίου 2009

Απόψεις περί Μακεδονίας και ΦΥΡΟΜ.

Μπήκα σε ένα site με συζητήσεις για τη Μακεδονία-ΦΥΡΟΜ όπου συνέντησα και κάποιους πολύ λογικούς γείτονες σλαβομακεδόνες. Έγραψα ένα κείμενο που δεν δημοσιεύτηκε τελικά στο site χωρίς ακόμα να ξέρω το γιατί (ίσως γίνει αύριο). Για να μη χαθεί, και μια και το είχα κρατήσει σε ένα δικό μου φάκελο, το δημοσιεύω εδώ ώστε να το δω γραμμένο και στο δικό μου μπλογκ.
Είναι στα Αγγλικά αλλά δεν είναι δύκσολα μεταφράσιμο νομίζω. Το παραθέτω:
It is a very interesting conversation between you guys. I want to be a part of it, if you allow me.
I was born in Piraeus and my parents are "romios" (means roman citizen) from Pontos and Constantinopole-Instabul. Therefore, I am Greek. I don't know how much of my DNA is greek, I don’t know whether I am more greek than the so-called slav-macedonian "informed reader" or the greek-macedonian "serres macedonia" or the others, but I am member of a state who declares itself "Hellenic" and I speak the greek language in its modern version.
I wonder if there is something that prevents slav-macedonian to feel "greeks" the same way that I feel. Many slavs, as well as vlachs, albanians etc. have been members of that "greek identity" because of their entry in the Greek State. Our heroes of the revolution of 1821 are mostly Albanians, our great donors are Vlachs etc.
Rigas Ferraios' and Anonymos' dream in 1800 was to built a “greek nomarchia" (meaning democratic state of law) based not on DNA and race but in a voluntary entry of the Balkan peoples in a descent, right and democratic state which could use the name "Greek-Hellenic" in order to express the passion for freedom and just.
Is it -still nowadays- possible for such an idea to flourish?
Albanians, Slavs (especially the southern ones) Thracks (and Bulgarians of course) are so similar to each other that I cannot understand all these disputes among them. Even the Turks of the west are quite similar with all the other balkans. What divides these peoples is religion (muslems and christians) and "ethnic" ideas of the 19th and 20th centuries. I hope that in the new era modern historians and intellectuals will take over and lead those brother-peoples to a new view of the history and "national" identity. Greek heritage belongs to the world, and much more belongs to the peoples of Balkan. The modern "greeks" have to admit that they have not a privilege to that heritage and the other balkans should forgive the first balkans of the early 19th century who liberated a small country and themselves from the Ottomans by using this heritage and later tried to have an exclusive use of that history.
I repeat :
Greece (ancient Greece of cause and its heritage, democracy, philosophy, science, speech, way of life, passion for logic for freedom etc.) and "Greeks" (Periklis, Leonidas, Themistokles, Alexandros, Filippos, Sokrates, Aristotelees, Pythagoras, Epaminondas, etc.) belong to humanity, and particularly all these belong to the Balkan peoples, because we live here, we are closer to them than any other people in the world, we have the same habits, the same mood, the same fears with them, because we are the closest relatives to them. Let us all be Greeks, either Macedonians, either Romans, either Albanians, or any other particular "race" in that blessed place of the world which we happen to live in.
I don’t mean to participate in one common state called Greece (may be in the future it could be a Balkan state). I speak about the greek identity, not the modern one which sometimes is really disgusting, but the universal-ecumenical one, which consists of all those ideas and persons I mentioned before.
Αυτά και βλέπουμε. Σε όποιον σχολιάσει θα απαντήσω.

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